As anyone who dabbles in theatrical effects knows, cheap stage blood is very unforgiving and will stain your skin and clothes if you look at it the wrong way, whereas most commercially available bottles of “washable fabric-safe fake blood” come in tiny bottles that are prohibitively expensive. So, how do we keep the cleaning budget from ballooning out of control? By making it ourselves using my tried and true, super-sexy, fabric-safe, no-stain washable stage blood recipe, that’s how!
Gregory Crafts
Actor • Playwright • Designer • Producer • Director • Game Master
Encore! Encore! $h!+heads and 25 Plays Per Hour are winners!
Well, we’ve survived another Hollywood Fringe. I mean, barely. But we survived. This year’s festival was one of the most stressful I’ve ever experienced as a venue manager. However, as an actor, a producer, a designer, and a playwright, it was a complete success!
Catch me in $h!+heads by Chambers Stevens, and my words in 25 Plays Per Hour presented by Theatre Unleashed!
I’m thrilled to be a part of this year’s festival not only as a designer, playwright, and venue manager, but also as a performer! That’s right, ya boy’s performing in a show this year, and I’m super stoked for you to come and see it!
Guesting on James Elden’s Playwright’s Spotlight, a Playwriting Podcast
Last week, I had the pleasure of being a guest on James Elden’s Playwright’s Spotlight, a theatre podcast about playwriting. His show usually runs a solid hour to ninety minutes, and it’s a “writers on writing” podcast. However, we did a full two hours!
How did Radiohead put it?
“What the hell am I doing here? I don’t belong here. I don’t belong here.”
A new dawn, a new day, a new life, and I’m… Feeling Good (The Series)
It’s been a bit since I’ve talked about career stuff on here. I’ve been hard at work submitting, connecting with casting folks, and developing my own material.
Stop talking about it and just do the damn thing.
I didn’t do a new year’s post this year. Or late last year.
In the past, I’ve done long-winded year-end wrap-ups and retrospectives where I assess the prior 365.25 days and declare my intention to make the next 365.25 days different.
Catch any good TV lately?
A couple months ago, my buddy Graydon called me up and asked “you want to be on a game show?” Of course, when someone asks you if you want to be on a game show, you say yes.
Listening to the 1001 Albums You Must Hear Before You Die
Such a strong, attention-grabbing title, isn’t it? 1001 Albums You Must Hear Before You Die. Now that’s ‘You Must Hear.” Not “should” hear. Not “may want to” hear. Must hear. I have to admit, I’m intrigued.
Guess who’s back?
Speaking of updated content and new looks, I’m experimenting with a new layout for my personal site! Something a little artsier. A little experimental.
Gregory Crafts
- Creative Multi-Hyphenate
- Theatre Maker
- Coffee lover
- Cat Dad
- Professional Dungeon Master (yeah, that's a thing!)
- Emerson Mafioso
- Gonna be on your favorite TV show one day
- Let's Go Red Sox!